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Federal law lists many drugs that are illegal to possess, sell, distribute or manufacture. Some are allowed if you’re a properly licensed pharmacist, healthcare provider or part of the pharmaceutical industry. Some of these drugs aren’t legal under practically any circumstances; others have recognized pharmaceutical value. Being involved in any illicit activity concerning these substances could result in incarceration for many years, 视情况而定, 根据印第安纳州和联邦法律.

Drugs and other substances that are considered controlled substances as defined by the federal 受控物质 Act (CSA) are divided into five schedules. They are placed in a schedule based on whether they have a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the U.S., their potential for abuse, and their likelihood of being habit-forming if abused.


The regulation of a drug depends on the schedule it’s listed in. Drugs in schedules one and two have the strictest regulations. Schedule I drugs are illegal for anything other than research. Schedule II drugs can be used for limited medical purposes with DEA approval, 比如通过开处方的执照.

CSA会处罚 非法占有, use, manufacture and distribution of controlled substances. 处罚不同, 根据所用药物的时间表, the amount possessed and whether distribution or intent to distribute a drug is present.

违反CSA可能受到的处罚各不相同, 这取决于药物上市的时间表, the amount possessed and if there’s evidence to support a charge that distribution took place or there’s evidence of intent to distribute the drug. Federal penalties for possession of an illegal drug can include a fine of at least $1,及/或最高一年的监禁.

Federal penalties for a first offense of trafficking a controlled substance in Schedules I-IV range from not less than five years of imprisonment to life.  还可处以25万至5000万美元的罚款. Additional penalties are imposed when trafficking a controlled substance results in serious bodily injury or death. 印第安纳州 state law also uses drug schedules when determining the possible penalty after a conviction.

Schedules for controlled substances in federal and 印第安纳州 drug law


They are the most dangerous drugs with no legitimate use, as far as the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is concerned. 它们目前在美国没有被接受的医疗用途.S., no known safe level of use under medical supervision and have a high potential for abuse.

例如海洛因, 麦角酸二乙胺(LSD), 大麻(大麻), 仙人掌, 甲喹酮和3,4-亚甲基二氧基甲基苯丙胺(俗称摇头丸).


These substances have a high potential for abuse and may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. 它们是氢吗啡酮(双劳地®), 美沙酮(Dolophine®), 哌替啶(杜冷丁®), 羟考酮(文中®, Percocet®)和芬太尼(Sublimaze®), Duragesic®).  Other Schedule II narcotics include morphine, opium, codeine and hydrocodone.

Schedule IIN stimulants include amphetamine (Dexedrine®, Adderall®), 甲基苯丙胺(Desoxyn®), 和哌甲酯(利他林®). Other Schedule II substances are amobarbital, glutethimide and pentobarbital.


These substances have less potential for abuse than substances in Schedules I or II. Abuse of them can lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. They include narcotics that include products containing not more than 90 milligrams of codeine per dosage unit (Tylenol with Codeine®) and buprenorphine (Suboxone®). Non-narcotics in this schedule include benzphetamine (Didrex®), 苯二甲吗啉, ketamine and anabolic steroids such as Depo®-Testosterone.


These substances have a low potential for abuse compared to those in Schedule III. 例如阿普唑仑(Xanax®), 肌安宁(Soma®), 氯硝西泮(Klonopin®), clorazepate (Tranxene®), 安定(安定®), 氯羟去甲安定(安定®), 咪达唑仑(工®), 替马西泮(Restoril®)和三唑仑(Halcion®).


They have a low potential for abuse compared to those in Schedule IV and are made mostly of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics. They include cough preparations containing not more than 200 milligrams of codeine per 100 milliliters or per 100 grams (Robitussin AC®, 非那根与可待因®)和埃佐加滨.

These schedules are just the beginning in federal and 印第安纳州 drug law

仅仅因为一种药物, 严格地说, 完全不在日程表上, 这并不意味着你不能被指控持有毒品, 制造或分销. 表中描述了基本化学物质或母体化学物质. 它们没有描述盐, 同分异构体, 异构体盐, 酯类, ethers and derivatives which may also be controlled substances.

A substance not on a schedule may also be considered a controlled substance analogue, 一种供人类食用的物质 . . .

  • Structurally substantially similar to a Schedule I or Schedule II substance,
  • Pharmacologically substantially similar to a Schedule I or Schedule II substance, or
  • Represented as being similar to a Schedule I or Schedule II substance and is not an approved medication.

A crime involving a controlled substance is not to be taken lightly. 考虑到潜在的处罚, it’s wise not to try to defend yourself or retain an attorney unfamiliar with drug laws and how they’re enforced. If you or any member of your family has been arrested or charged with a drug-related crime, 今天就寻求帮助. Call our office or fill out the bet9九州体育登录线路 form on the right for a free consultation. 保护你自己和你的家人, experienced criminal trial lawyers of your 新奥尔巴尼 Legal Team.


Marc is a 肯塔基州 native, having lived and worked in the state the majority of his life. 他是肯塔基州和印第安纳州的执业律师, 他的重点是试验工作, 包括民事诉讼和刑事辩护. 他代理过各种各样的客户, 他致力于把客户的需求放在第一位. [ 律师生物 ]


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